Thursday, June 17, 2010

The un- and underinsured at MoMA's PS1

Greater New York at PS1 has an interesting event this Saturday (June 19) with Dr. Maria Raven talking about Obama's public health insurance option as part of the GNY exhibition's performance series. Good friend and great doctor Eamonn Vitt is part of the crew. Eamonn has been running a program for some years now where he exchanges medical care for artists and takes payment in artworks.

Speaking of Greater New York, here's some photographs of ICI's Kate Fowle installing the Rotating Gallery at PS1 today - her show "the backroom" is part of the GNY exhibition.

Saturday June 19 at 3pm

Dr. Maria Raven, MD/MPH will be giving a powerpoint presentation this Saturday at PS 1 as part of programming organized by Greater New York artist Lucy Raven related to an art-for-medical-care health clinic run in collaboration with Dr. Eamonn Vitt for artists later this summer.

The talk will be making sense of Obama's health care plan, and discussing what it means to the un- and underinsured. For the last few years, Dr. Raven has been running an incredible pilot program at
Bellevue—now expanded to several hospitals around the city---to improve care and reduce hospital admissions and ED visits for patients with frequent, suboptimal use of the health care system. She is an advocate for public health reform, and she's a fantastic speaker on the topic. The talk will be brief, with time for questions after.